Thursday, March 10, 2016

Advanced Lipo Center: HA! Parenthetically Speaking, its Decreasing Causes Creasing

                                           HA! Parenthetically Speaking, its Decreasing Causes Creasing

People often have annoying ways of getting their points across, such as repeatedly using trendy buzzwords, or – even worse – “air quotes.” However, if your skin is losing its supply of the hydrating agent, hyaluronic acid (HA), lines may be forming around the sides of your mouth, causing you to speak in parentheses; and that can irritate you a lot more than other people’s quirky communication methods!

Luckily, though, we can fix the problem quickly. To find out how, come see us, and we’ll get right to the point (without parentheses) with JUVÉDERM, a revolutionary injectable gel that restores stores of HA, and de-creases the creases caused when it decreases.  

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